Thursday, November 22, 2012

EIPS Leadership 2012-11-21

EIPS Leadership stepped up to the plate this week and explored the use Social Media tools. Table groups used Twitter to tweet out a communication strategy for sharing student survey results. The Twitter feed is available here EIPS Leadership - Social Media

For the above link, I used (then type in EIPS Leadership) It's a tool worth exploring and there are several features that make publishing a story quite easy.

There is no shortage of social media sites, but one that our department recommends most for school use is available at

Edmodo is a 'walled garden' educational tool designed for teacher and student use.  This particular tool is easy to use and applicable for students in any grade.  By invitation, parents can view their child's posts and assignments. Teachers moderate the site, which means that student comments or photos cannot be posted without teacher authorization. What a great way to show parents how well social media can work in the classroom setting.

Remember to follow the EIPS Social Media Guidelines (available on Staff Connect/Division Documents/Educational Technology) and obtain written parent consent prior to setting up a school or classroom account.